Total number of questions
Administration method
Parent-report, self-report, and teacher-report versions
Standardized cadence
Age range
Scoring and interpretation
The VAS produces a composite score, as well as subscale scores, automatically through the Blueprint platform. Scores can be used to assess the severity of ADHD symptoms and track change across the course of treatment.
Reliability and validity
The scale has good internal reliability with Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of > .90 (parent) and >.89 (teacher) (Wolraich et al., 2002; Wolraich et al., 2013). Test-retest reliabilities were assessed as adequate (r >.80) (Bard et al., 2013). Interrater reliability, between the two scales is very low (r=.27 – .34) (Wolraich et al., 2002). The four factor structure of the scale confirms it is a valid measure of inattention, hyperactivity, conduct disorder/oppositional defiance disorder, anxiety/depression. Convergent validity is evidenced by the moderate to high correlations with the Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children-IV Parent Version (Bard et al., 2013; Collett et al., 2003).
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